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How I passed 1st semester of Nursing School

Hello readers! ♥

This post is dedicated to how I not just passed my first semester of nursing school, but enjoyed the heck out of it.

For anyone in nursing, has been or will be, please read this all the way through ☺

These are some tips on how I passed, and loved every moment of 1st semester:

1. my FAITH. ✝

God was my strength and carried me through. He walked alongside me in clinical & simulation, & sat next to me in the


Through prayer and petition, God took my burdens and stress that comes with exams and test outs. You might think I am lying, however, the words of the bible kept me sane and motivated to become the best nurse I could.


Personally, I do not live with other nursing students, and I prefer it that way. I have become someone who likes to do things independently so I know the information in my own way, then come together with other students and review.

The girls I live with are angles. Being at our apartment is drama and stress free. Their goofiness and maturity keep me sane and balanced from only focusing on school. You NEED quality friendships to remind you, "you are going to be an amazing nurse".


Nursing school will be challenging for you if you are not passionate about what you are learning!!

Even the easier classes about morals and ethical actions in nursing remind you what it means to be a nurse.

Pharmacology - the "scary one", actually turned out to be my favorite because it was fun to KNOW all of these medications and how they work!

If you do not find love and joy in taking care of people, learning new information, or putting in quality time towards your future, it will make school much harder.

4. FUN.

Yes, FUN!

Make nursing school your own! Your mentality can make or break your experience.

When working on the many assignments you have, studying for 3 exams in one week, or your first day of simulation, think POSITIVE.

Do not overwhelm yourself or you will literally combust. Trust yourself, put in the time, and take breaks to laugh.


OOOO I can not express this enough.

From the beginning, when the first email is sent out, mark your planners (you need a planner) of all the dates you have clinical, simulation, and lab. Have all your notebooks and supplies before the first day.

Personally, I completed assignments a week or a couple days before it was due to ensure I did not turn in anything late, or if something came up I had time to do it.

If you do not do this already, I would start making a routine for yourself.


For me, working out is a huge part of what keeps me sane through school and life in general. Of course there are many benefits, but getting your body moving helps with focus, sleep, and overall performance.

Set realistic goals for yourself, some may make it 5 days, some 3. Moving is moving!

Be an example for the clients you will be educating in the future, not just by teaching but doing.

7. SLEEP. ☾

This is key to your attitude and performance.

I understand it is college, I did not get 8 hours of sleep every night, if anything that was rare. However, instead of going to sleep at 2am because of your phone or Netflix, make those things a treat one night a week.

I ended up going to bed on average around 11pm and woke up at 6am most days! Early rising is my time to shine and when I am most productive!

I have so many more to include but I will stop here!

If you liked these let me know if you want more tips on how I passed my first semester of nursing school!

I hope this helped, have a blessed day, and remember you are going to be an AMAZING nurse ♥

♥ Autumn Olson





〉Autumn Olson

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