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Fitness + Diet Update

Happy day happy day, welcome to an update on my fitness and diet regime!

I am now a Junior in college, and live in an apartment style dorm on campus, where I live with two of the most beautiful and full spirited people. Emily, who was my freshman year roommate, and Leah who you will soon meet!

Living in this styled dorm, I have an entire KITCHEN. I have been waiting for this for two years!

Anyway, lets get into what I have been up to :-)

『F I T N E S S』

My fitness this year has been at an all time HIGH.

As I mentioned earlier, I met Leah last year over instagram, and now that we live together, we work out all the time together! We push each other, and she has shown me a new appreciation for lifting.

[ ⇩ LEAH ⇩ ]

If you follow my fitness account on Instagram @autumnstable, I have posted so many workouts from this year!

Due to more lifting, I have noticed my legs are much stronger and are becoming more defined!

I still run, and still love to run, however, I am really enjoying weights at the moment :)

My dad and I just signed up for Grandmas Half Marathon this coming June again, this will be my third half... CRAZY time flies!

『D I E T』

Ah, my favorite thing, FOOD.

Cooking / meal prepping has become so much easier this year, and I am loving it.

Here is the run down of a typical day in my college life!



Oat milk with espresso (I make in our apartment/dorm)



»Vega Sport Chocolate Protein Powder

»Greens Powder

»Flax meal

»Almond milk



Meal Prep:

» Brown rice




»Roasted tomatoes


»Sweet potato

»Vegan Cheese


Lara Bar (peanut butter)

and an Apple


» Ginger, Garlic

»Tempeh OR



Vegan sausages


»Sweet potato


»2 eggs


»Tomato sauce



I tweak my dinner every 2 or 3 weeks if I end up buying something different, but my breakfast and lunch are very consistent!

⇦ Dinner lately

There it is! I am so incredibly happy where I am at, all thanks to Gods perfect timing.

Let me know if you want more posts of easy college recipes, nursing school update, more info about fitness, ANYTHING!

I look forward to hearing from you ♡

♡ With love, Autumn





Autumn Olson


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