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a letter to incoming freshman...

You're about to start a whole new chapter of your life. One filled with new and exciting things. Some amazing, and some challenging. You are now more independent than you've ever been, away from home and away from comfort. But this feeling is so freeing.

When I moved into my dorm at SAU in 2017, I was filled with overwhelming excitement and joy. As soon as my parents walked out and I saw them drive away, and a sense of realization hit me, I am alone.

Really, you aren't. You are soon to be surrounded by NEW people who are feeling the SAME way.

✰ Advice #1, no one knows you, so be who you WANT to be! You are basically starting over, and it is so cool.

For me, I shined in social situations and just went up and talked to people! No one thinks its weird, you're in the SAME boat.

This is me freshman year, so happy and full of LIFE. I was finding friends and going on all kinds of adventures, staying up late, and getting to know people for who they are.

✰ Advice #2, get INVOLVED!

I got to college, and within the first week tried out to be our school mascot, yeah thats me.

I played sand volleyball, went to social events and really dived into the college LIFE.

You will regret what you don't do, so just GO FOR IT.

Stop overthinking.

Find your own passions and interests, and pursue them. They don't have to match others, there is always something on campus to do, or to be involved in!

Ex. Bible study groups, intramural's, clubs, work study jobs, etc.

✰ Advice #3, your friends will change, and so will you. You think you know yourself now, you just wait.

College will challenge your beliefs and how you think. Be open to new ideas, but stay true to your core values.

✰ Advice #4, college is still something you pay a lot of money for, so soak in all the information you are learning, and find value and motivation to LEARN.

This is not high school where I dreaded classes and going to school, I became fascinated with knowledge and doing well.

Find places that motivate you to learn and stay focused, for me it was coffee shops, change it up and keep it interesting and do what works for YOU.

College is fun, and it is OKAY to go and have fun, but remember why you're there :) Go out occasionally, but hold yourself accountable, your mom isn't there to tell you to get your stuff done anymore. It is all on you.

✰ Advice #5, bee different. (sau people will appreciate the pun)

People are drawn to people who have a different aesthetic, vibe, and outlook on life. Do not try to be like others, but instead draw inspiration.

Be original.

✰ Advice #6

Get to know your professors, establish good relationships with them because it is comforting to know you have people other than students who are there for you.

They are more likely to work and be flexible with you if you just talk to them and PARTICIPATE in class.

woah wait..... participate? like TALK??


You will retain information you learn in class so much better if you participate, also, a lot of classes include participation points and it will save you because they are easy points towards the class!

It can be scary yes, but you are there for you, so do your best and get your stuff done, it will save you the stress!

✰ Advice #7, snacks are important.

Late night snacking is a thing, and you will be hungry. When you move in, make sure to have snacks and food in your room so you don't get too cranky ;)

✰ Okay last one.. advice #8, get a planner.

Time management is KEY to being successful in college. Your schedule is so busy! From classes, to meetings, to studying, to social events, etc.

Write it down. Professors will not remind you of many due dates, and if you are late, there go your points :/

Get stuff done when they are assigned and it will save you the stress of trying to do it the night before, although it HAPPENS. It is okay.

Put it all in a big picture.

That one late assignment, bad grade on a test, or argument with a friend will not ruin your life.

You can't change the past, but you can change the future. ✰

This is me now, two years into college and still just as happy and joyful, if not more. You control your mindset and attitude, so make it a good one.

Thank you for reading, I hope this helps!

See you in my next post

♥ autumn

✰ Youtube:

Autumn Olson (NEW VID of my first 2 years of college)

✰ Instagram:

@autumnmolson (personal)

@autumnstable (health&fit)

✰ Vsco:


Let me know if you want a post on roommates, how to stay healthy/active, best ways to study, etc!

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