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Spring Rolls for Spring + Protein Balls (oil free)

Spring rolls are perfect to kick off spring am I right?

Super fresh and super easy

recipe for a refreshing starter or light meal

Have fun with the recipe, it isn't an exact science! Add or replace as many ingredients as you want!


✺ 1 Block of Tempeh

✺ Yellow Pepper

✺ 2 Large Carrots

✺ Avocado

✺ Purple Cabbage


✺ Preparation

1. Cut Tempeh in half, then into strips about the size of your finger

2. Cut cabbage in half, cut length wise into small strips (only need 1/4 of cabbage depending on how many rolls you're making)

3. Cut yellow pepper in half and into small strips

4. Repeat with carrots (I used a vegetable peeler)

✺ Roll the rolls

1. Place sheet into warm water for about 5 seconds

2. Place sheet on counter (or any surface) and leave for about a minute to soak up the water and become flexible and soft


3. Place all the ingredients in the middle of the sheet

4. Start by pulling up the sheet and over the ingredients roll once and tuck in sides, then finish rolling (will stick together naturally)

5. Repeat with all until you have as many as you want, or you run out of ingredients!

✺ I added ginger and it reallllyyyy made it come all together

Protein balls to satisfy that sweet tooth ☺

I am going to be completely honest, I put these together at random and didn't measure anything!

Just work until you get the right consistency!

Embrace your inner chef ☺


Wet ingredients

✺ 10 Dates

✺ 1.5-2 tbsp Almond butter

✺ 1/2 cup almond milk

✺ Dash of almond extract


✺ 2 tbsp coconut flour

✺ 1.5-2 cups almond four

✺ 2 tbsp PB2

✺ 1 tbsp flax-meal

✺ Dairy free / vegan chocolate chips (go crazy)

✺ Chocolate protein powder


1. In a blender, add 10 dates, 1/2 cup almond milk, vanilla extract and 2 tbsp almond butter and blend until you get the dates chopped into little pieces.

(The consistency will look runny and weird)

2. Transfer to mixer and add all the dry ingredients - mix until all combined.

✺ If it is too runny, keep adding almond flour while mixing until you could form a ball.

I ate one after I made them while super doughy and tasted amazing, froze the rest and ate the rest frozen.

Honestly both ways are amazing, but go based on what you like!

I hope you enjoy a little bit of savory and sweet recipes! Tag me @autumnstable or #autumnstable if you try either or any of my recipes!!

♡ Autumn

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