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Get to know me! + daily gratitude tips

Hello Lovlies!!!

I am writing this so you guys can get to know who I am as a person, what I value and love outside of fitness!

+ some daily gratitude tips

↝ To start, my name is Autumn Olson. A fair skinned, 6'2, Norwegian girl from Iowa whose eyes are a mix of blue, green and yellow.

↝ I never played basketball (sorry its disappointing) however, played volleyball for a couple years in middle school.

↝ I had extremely blonde hair as a child, and sadly has started to turn very dirty brown.

↝ I hate wearing makeup, as well as jeans. You will never see me wearing jeans.

↝ I ran both track and cross country in high school, was very average in both because I was growing the ENTIRE TIME. That and my attitude towards work and effort was no where near what it is today.

↝ I consider myself a very positive and optimistic person towards life and all situations and am so thankful I am able to hold this attitude throughout all aspects of life.

↝ I am so in love with my Faith and Jesus, and because of that, ↝ I love this world and people so much more. ✝

↝ I aspire to travel and become a travel nurse. ✈

↝ I love pushing my body and mind to new limits, things I might not believe I can do I always attempt because... the impossible is possible !!

↝ I love to journal my thoughts, but I am also a person who NEEDS to talk about my feelings and has no problem opening up to people.

↝ Into music that moves my soul and gives me butterflies. ♪

↝ I love being social and going out, but also have learned to love being alone and independent.

↝ Fav colors are yellow and rose gold.

↝ Favorite flower: Lilys ✿ ↝ Almost everything I own is marble

↝ Running is my favorite thing to do when I feel stressed or bored, but have recently reentered the lifting world :)

↝ A plant-based eater that loves exploring new ways to create delicious wholesome foods to fuel my soul and body.

↝ Dreamer.

↝ Apple products are the way to go

↝ Cursive is super cool and people should learn how to write in it again.

↝ Writing letters the old fashion way brings joy to my heart.

↝ Old soul.

↝ Find me where the water is.

↝ Minnesota is home. ♡

↝ Avocados belong on everything.

↝ A smile a day keeps the doctor away ツ

↝ Keep your heart and mind healthy first, then everything else will fall into place.

↝ Trust your intuition.

↝ Face your fears and always set new goals.

↝ Be vulnerable.

↝ Be teachable.

↝ Experiences are everything.

↝ Surround yourself with people that inspire you to be a better you

↝ Learn and absorb the wisdom and knowledge from the older generations.

↝ See the good in everything

↝ Take nothing for granted

↝ Sunshine is a reminder of happiness and that the world loves us ☼

The last thing I will say is this. Be different.

Be different than mainstream society. Wear the clothes you like, whether they are expensive or from a thrift store. Express your own thoughts and own them, but be open to others as well. If you have a dream that no one else has, pursue it and people will follow it. People follow the differences in the world and find them interesting.

Be that interesting person.

Be original :)

Thanks for reading a little bit about me and life lessons I have learned this far in my life.

with love, Autumn ☺





Autumn Olson

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