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Find your Pace | Let's talk Running

Hello reader, welcome to Autumn's Table ♡

This post covers how to approach running, the benefits, and ways to help you embrace the feeling of running. Whether you're new to running, or trying to jump back into it, keep on reading!

As someone who has run nearly her whole life, I only found the true love for it about two years ago. Participating in cross country was only for the social aspect. I was very average in both cross country and track, however, I was growing (physically) a LOT through these years and did not hit my peak.

These past two years of running with passion and purpose has given me insight to the full benefits both physically and mentally. Unfortunately, running is seen as a punishment and a way to lose weight by most people.

If you are going to choose to run, do it with a PURPOSE.

The reality is, running is 80% mental. Your attitude and thoughts towards your run determines how far you will go, and if you enjoy it! That and what you have ate beforehand, as well as your water intake.

You will cramp, doubt yourself and ask yourself why you are just running, but remember it is one of the BEST things for you, and something you can do your whole life. ♡


It is a break from your normal life routine. It gets your endorphins going, giving you a hype energy you may have not felt before!

Your ability to focus on daily tasks becomes much easier. Your outlook on life will become more positive and optimistic. It is a way of processing your day or negative things within your life, in an active and healthy way.


Heart health is essential all through life, and running does just that! Cardiovascular endurance to keep your heart active and strong. Circulation throughout your body, as well as increased lung capacity! Increased metabolism and bone density, weight lifting has similar effects with metabolism and bone strength. Lean muscle is built in the process of long distance running, and pairing running with weight training yields in a well balanced exercise routine, depending on your goals!

If you are new to running, or trying to jump back into it, here are some tips I have for you!

1. Take it EASY and start SLOW!

You do not start where you end. You are not going to be running 8 minute miles your first couple runs, it takes time and conditioning, but that is apart of the journey!

2. Build miles from the ground up!

Start small, 1-2 miles. Don't be afraid to walk and take it easy, your body will adjust! Soon, you will push yourself to higher miles and from there it is fun to challenge yourself longer distances while running faster!

3. Do NOT run for the calories, run for the HEALING

If you are new to long distance running, think about your purpose behind it. Is it a healthy mind set? What are you doing it for?

Do it for the runners high, the cardiovascular strength, the sweat, and the challenge.

Take home message, running is not a punishment for your body. Mind muscle connection is key, reminding yourself that you are doing this for your holistic health. Do what makes you feel the best & don't be afraid to start something new! ♡

Thank you so much for reading!

♡ Autumn

* If you have further questions, email or DM me!





Autumn Olson

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