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Find Your Fitness

Welcome back, or welcome to Autumn's Table! I am so happy you stopped by to read about finding YOUR fitness! My name is Autumn, a sophomore college student who is fully immersed and in love with health, fitness & nutrition! ☀

As some of you readers know, fitness & moving your body enriches my soul, as well as eating a wholesome, plant-based diet. I am here to help you find what enriches your soul.

If you are struggling to find the motivation to start, or just searching for something new, I invite you to get cozy and keep on reading :)

If you read some of my previous posts, you will also know what activities I have been involved in throughout my life. If you're interested, go check them out!

However, I will update you on my current fitness goals, my new attitude towards going to the gym, and my new workout routine.

* read my fitness journey for more background *

After high school, I became scared of weights and the fact they would make me bulky, like many women seem to think and believe. However, for the past 2 months, I have been training with a cross-fit approach which includes a little bit of everything. Cardio, weights, HIIT, circuits, form & so on.


I structure my workouts with a warm up of running and stretching, then I move into strength work such as-

- Squats

- Power clean

- Deadlift

- Overhead press

Essentially anything with dumbbells and barbells. Sometimes it is isolated and low intensity, and others are circuits with more reps and supersets.

I then move into metabolic conditioning for fat burn and to get my heart rate up & get SWEATYYY. Met-cons are similar to HIIT, however some involve free weights and dumbbells. In cross-fit, they have workouts named after people, such as "Grace".

Grace is a met-con that is 30 clean-and-jerks for time, meaning you do them as quick as possible with no rest.

Another example is "Murph", again for time.

1 mile run

100 pull ups

200 push ups

300 air squats

1 mile run

oh and did I mention, with a weight vest?

Depending on the intensity, you have to work up the conditioning of different workouts. Some utilize more muscle endurance, others cardiovascular endurance, and others pure strength.

However all take a great number of mental endurance and motivation.

I love this style of training because it pushes me in all aspects, always shocking my body and utilizing different muscles. Everyday is different and I love the challenge that every workout brings.


Are my long distance runs, however soon have to implement on Wednesdays as well to train for my second half-marathon in June!


are rest and recovery days, sometimes my workout partner and I go in and do form work or light cardio. Currently working on the correct form of snatches :)


I never thought I would try cross-fit and love it, but life surprises you, and with that you need to challenge yourself and be open to new things. Go out of your comfort zone and attack the things you ARE NOT good at.

Other daily activities I enjoy doing are...

♥ Walking with headphones in and allowing myself time to process and think.

♥ Long runs

♥ Yoga, which you can do AT HOME! Follow YouTube videos

♥ Body weight circuits either at home or at the gym!

* Check out Maddie Lymburner's fitness channel on youtube ➝ Mad Fit for AWESOME at home workouts! *


With this new style of training, I have upped my carb intake as well as my caloric intake. I could tell after 2 hours in the gym my body needed the sugar from (healthy) carbohydrates.


For breakfast I of course still eat my oats, with my powders and such. Then for lunch, I have implemented quinoa and sometimes brown rice for energy! I now eat sprouted breads such as Ezekiel bread, as well as breads with clean and whole ingredients. Dinners vary on the day when I am home, but are more consistent when at college.

* go to @autumnstable on instagram to see what I eat on a day to day basis! *

I have changed my source of energy & calories from healthy fats, to healthy carbs. I still continue to eat avocados and healthy fats, just in more of moderation! I am finding my balance in what makes me feel the best in workouts, and within my life as a whole.

Remember this is how I train. I am not telling you to train like I do, however am sharing my story, experiences and opinions! If you want to talk personally about ways to find or start something different for YOU, DM me on Instagram @autumn_olson7 or @autumnstable. I am more than happy to talk and help!

With all the love, Autumn ♥

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Autumn Olson

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