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My updated life: Going vegan??

Long time no talk sistas!!

Sophomore year of college has started, and I couldn't be more ready. But lets get down to the chase....

~ Fitness ~

I am currently on a project comeback. I am going to be honest, I didn't run nearly as much as I intended or wanted to this summer..

I was still active, but very busy, and that is okay!

It's life :)

After week 3 of hitting the gym and incorporating workouts with cardio, I feel so so so much better!!!

I am going to hold myself to working out 5-6 times a week to ensure my optimal health, however taking rest days when they are needed. #listentoyourbody

~ Diet ~

Going vegan??

Okay, so my diet the last two months has consisted of healthy fats, veggies & whole foods, like it has been for a very long time now.

I have lowered my carb intake (breads & pastas), but continue to eat my homemade granola (recipe on my last post), and oats, because it fuels me with sustained energy until lunch and really helps with my digestion.

As far as my energy source for running longer distances, I would love to find an alternative to pasta that works for my body. So far, cashews and an overall higher fat diet has worked. Hopefully for those longer miles too!

Alright... real talk. Autumn going vegan?? huh.

{ I currently eat a plant-based - paleo diet, one full of healthy & wholesome foods. I do not consume any dairy products, nor refined sugars/foods and haven't for 2 years. I absolutely love the way I eat & live my life!! }

After putting much thought and research into my decision, I am now going to try to eliminate all meats and animal products. I have already done that with dairy and nearly all meat, I just haven't given up chicken and turkey because I believed they were healthy meats. ALL Contrary to my prior beliefs... I now realize the hidden effects of animal products that I didn't want to believe, and what America itself neglects.

- Details on my Instagram @autumn_olson7 -

I recently watched "What The Health" documentary (people have different opinions on it) and it really opened my eyes once again to why I eat the way I do. Illness and diseases are directly caused by what you are putting into your body, an idea that I have believed in for a long time now.

The myths and lies the government "health" organizations fill our heads with really hit home for me. I want to change Americas idea of health, and for me to be able to share my thoughts and knowledge with you is a huge privilege. I still have much to learn, but as for right now my goal is to lower my consumption of eggs and chicken. I want to see how my body reacts, and as I continue to research, my opinion may change... WHO KNOWS !!!! (no one really lol)

Thank you so much for reading, I love you!

xoxo, Autumn

  • Next post > Why I eat the way I do??

  • Check out my most recent Youtube Videos!! @AutumnOlson

College morning routine ~

Memories from Lollapalooza ~

  • Homemade Granola recipe > post prior to this one!

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