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Updated Granola Recipe

Hello loves!

It has been a while, I know. This summer has been crazy! However, I am here to share with you my slightly NEW and IMPROVED homemade granola recipe!!! Woohoo get excited!

If your'e looking for a REAL healthy granola recipe that satisfies your sweet tooth, without adding the sugar and calories, I invite you to keep reading :)

This recipe provides your body with the benefits of REAL food. Ingredients that are clean and aide in digestion, skin and mental clarity.


  • 5 Cups of QUICK Old Fashion Oats

  • carbohydrate(energy) source, fiber & lower cholesterol

  • 1 Cup Ground Flax Seeds

  • aid in digestion

  • 1/2 Cup Seseme Seeds

  • protect heart & balance hormones

  • 1 Cup Wheat Germ

  • Folate, fiber and healthy fats

  • 1/4 Cup Coconut Sugar

  • slow glucose absorption, lower glycemic index

  • 1/2 Cup Cacao Powder

  • ANTIOXIDANTS, calcium & anti-depressant

  • 1/4 Cup Plant-based Protein Powder

  • 1 Cup PB Fit Powder (optional)

  • lower in fat & calories

* Be flexible with what you add! Play around with the recipe, it isn't an exact science.

Adding coconut flakes & other powders you enjoy works just as well, make it what you like :)


  • 1 Cup Coconut Oil

  • increase HDL (good cholesterol)

  • 1 Cup Raw Honey ------- Vegan Alternative: Agave Syrup

  • antibacterial properties

  • 2 TBSP Molasses

  • b6, selenium, iron & magnesium

  • 2 Drops Vanilla Extract


1. Pre-heat oven to 230 degrees

2. In a large bowl, thoroughly combine all the dry ingredients.

3. In a small pot, combine all the wet ingredients and heat until all are melted together. DON'T LET IT BOIL.

4. Add the liquid to the bowl and mix all the way through

5. Add combined mixture onto a pan and place in the oven for 10 minutes.

6. Take out, place in a sealed container, and enjoy!!

  • A batch lasts me around a week and a half.

xoxo Autumn

Instagram: Autumn_olson7

Youtube: Autumn Olson --- Just posted 2 new videos!!

- Canada travel video

- Lollapalooza video

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