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Distance Running Experience

Hello loves, I know it has been a while.

Lately I have been busy with work and running!

It is now summertime, the time of the big race, the one I have been training for all winter, and into the spring.


I trained during the winter at college, on the treadmill, which I now don't understand how I did...ahah.

I went up a mile each week... I was extremely motivated and excited, the distance was challenging and so rewarding - This was the beginning to the addiction.

My running DIET

I reintegrated pasta into my diet for fuel towards the spring, however noticed a difference in how it reacted with my body. I was more inflamed and retained water, which is what happens with high glycemic foods, such as pasta.

Now that the race is over, I can test different sources of quality carbohydrates that will fuel me for long distances, ones that agree with my body.

I have, however, figured out my perfect pre-race fuel... Banana and almond butter. No cramps. Perfectly full & satisfied. Loads of fuel.

race one...

Dam to Dam 20k - The experience

My first distance race (excluding 5ks) was the Dam to Dam 20k in Des Moines, Iowa. I've never had lasting pains/ injuries while running, however a week before Dam to Dam I felt a pulling/pinch in my lower right back, it kept me from being able to run the week prior. I was worried it take me out of my first 20k, but with ice all day before, icy hot and ibuprofen the morning, it was bearable and I made it through. Fighting my way through the race, I finished with a time of 2:15. Not the best, but with the conditions I was facing, not too shabby :)

That early morning was one to remember... cold and down pour rain. It was the last race they were holding, so there were no drop bags, which meant we wore what we were running in, which resulted in a tank top, spandex, and a trash bag to keep me somewhat warm and dry. The busses were 45 minutes late, and so there we stood with our soaked shoes and cold bodies for 45 minutes. It was all apart of the experience though! "What doesn't kill ya makes you stronger"

Once the bus came, we hurried on and were brought to the start, ran to the bathroom(of course) through the mud, and as we were walking across the Dam, they had just blown the gun. Ditching the trash bag I prepared for the worst and hoped for the best!

Mile 3 came like it was mile 1, feeling strong and motivated.

I didn't stop the entire race, which I was extremely proud of. It went quicker than I thought, but distance is truly a mind game. That is what kept me going. That and some bumpin tunes!

The big race...

Grandmas Half Marathon - The experience

Duluth, MN

The race I had dreamt of running ever since I was a little girl. Watching my dad get up early year after year to go run THIS very full or half marathon was all the inspiration I needed. The day finally came when my dad and I could run it together. It was exhilarating, nerve-racking, and most of all beautiful. The runners high was real.

To look around at 5 in the morning and realize you are right next to Lake Superior, surrounded by motivated runners who carry the same passion as you. That is what will draw me back.

I started out in 4 layers because it was 49 degrees, and ended in a sports bra and spandex. That is the beauty of running...

and Minnesota.

They weren't lying when they said it becomes an addiction. The runners high, the energy around you and the final 400 meters where you can see the finish line. Giving it all you got left. Your body goes numb and you feel as if your'e flying.

I ended up running it in 2 hours and 9 minutes. I am very proud of my time and am excited to challenge myself to go faster.

Time: 2:09

We will be back, Grandmas.

I have learned, and now understand distance running is all in your head, your mind controls if you keep going, or stop. It controls your attitude through the race. Is your outlook positive and motivating? or is it negative and draining?

For the future, I am going to test what foods give me the same amount of energy and sustainability while running longer miles. Stretch more before and after the races.

Remember my headphone adaptor.

And continue to go faster and farther.

To daddy,

This race was an experience that I, and you, have been waiting for since I was a little girl. Running throughout high school, I never knew if I would find the motivation to be a distance runner such as yourself. Somehow, your dedication all these years has rubbed off on me, and that is what I think of when I ask myself why I do this.

For myself, yes. But, for you also. Your dream of running these races together has finally come true, daddy and daughter.

We aren't stopping here.

Thank you, dad. You are truly something special.

I love you.

xoxo, Autumn


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