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Our toxic generation

Hello loves, today I am going to discuss toxic things you encounter and deal with daily in our modern world. Many of these things you don't actually notice, and believe is to be normal. These toxic things reflect negatively on us in many different ways.

Social Media

The first thing I would like to talk about, and to me the most important, is Social Media. I am sure you have heard about the misconceptions about what you see, but the effect it has on teens and to be honest, the entire population, are astronomical.

1. Distraction, social media has created less social interaction and is an easy way of avoiding natural encounters with people. When you go out, how many people are on their phones, not paying much attention, and if so are talking about something on social media? Yes, a lot. I am guilty of this too, don't worry!

I challenge you to keep your phone in your pocket waiting in a line; you never know what conversation and connection could spark! When you are with family and friends, that time is valuable and precious, step away from it. Lastly before bed and when you wake up, try to wake up (turn your alarm off) and wash your face, read a book, or get some water. Try to stay off your phone 15-20 minutes before and after bed to start the day off in the right head space, filling it with positivity and reflection.

2. Body image, this is something we are all aware of and is prevalent in our society today. Scrolling through your feed and consistently comparing yourself to others. It corrupts the mind, and degrades your thoughts of yourself.

Keep in mind people only (mostly) post pictures which they are confident in and show the best angles. No one is perfect, and no one is any less beautiful than the girl on the screen. Everyone is bestowed a different beauty, and the world chooses to believe in what they can see. Don't be like the rest of the world, be you and be confident, because NO ONE is YOU.

Judgement. A thought about someone or something that you define and develop yourself. You are giving that person a story of your own. Have you ever made a judgement about someone, only to find out they are the complete opposite?

Why is it that society finds this okay?

Homeless people are not all unmotivated people who are too lazy to do something about it. People lose jobs, family, and faith. You don't know their story, maybe they are homeless for a reason and are just living their life, their way. Judging peoples clothes? That is how people express themselves. Again, you don't know why they dress that way. Get to know them before jumping to conclusions.

Let me tell you a story. One night a couple years ago, my friend and I went downtown Des Moines for a world culture event, it was filled with foods from around the word, salsa dancing and cultural music. On the way there, a man was sitting in the cutout of a building drawing with a sharpie on a piece of cardboard. I saw it and told him it was truly amazing, because it was.

"The things we often take for granted, other people are praying for" Let that sink in..

This ties into the distraction of your phone, we could have walked right past him and said nothing, however it was important and was something positive. You never know how it will affect someone. Words are powerful.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love the world and am incredibly blessed for the life I have. Don't take for granted the things you DO have and stop focusing on what you don't. I believe their is evil that you look right past, that is blind to the naked eye. Try to be more aware of your surroundings, who you are and what you are choosing to believe.

Give yourself a break from technology and remain in the best headspace as possible. Life is a gift, live it to the fullest.

love, love, love,






Youtube: Autumn Olson


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