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Exploring Faith 1 ~ Lets talk Parables

Hello my beautiful humans. Ever since I created my blog (about a year ago), I have been trying to find my "niche", or what I want to base my blog around.

I do not want it to be tailored to one specific theme, so I have two categories as of right now.

1. Autumns Table, where I discuss my updated life, share my experiences and insight to help guide you into a headspace and lifestyle, finally, fitness tips and tricks I use daily.

2. Autumns Kitchen, where I share healthy plant-based recipes, what I eat or updated eating habits.

I am now implementing weekly bible talks under Autumns Table to encourage you to explore your faith. Wether you are religious or not, I want these posts to help inspire you, bringing you insight into a life with Jesus. Everyone is at a different understanding in their faith, and that is OKAY. We can encourage and support each other as we grow in our own spiritual ways.

The bible can be very confusing to read and understand, so by doing this, I hope to help you gain a different perspective of God's word and his doctrine.

I want to commit to publishing every (or every other) Tuesday. Questions and recommendations are always welcome! Contact me through social media or email (found at the bottom of the page) for questions and comments.

DISCLAIMER: These posts are my interpretation and understanding of scripture, everyone has their own and that is OKAY. As a disciple, I have a duty to spread his love and create more followers throughout this world. I hope you find your own meaning and answers through these posts.

Without further ado, let's get into our very first bible discussion together!

MATTHEW 13:3-9

Lets talk Parables. Todays discussion will cover how God's word is interpreted at different levels of faith. Jesus perfectly puts it into words for us.

"(3) Then he told them many things in parables, saying: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. (4) As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. (5) Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. (6) But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. (7) Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. (8) Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. (9) Whoever has ears, let them hear.”

When I first read this verse, it stood out to me because Jesus tells us exactly how his word plants in people. He refers to God's "seed", this seed resembles his true word and the truth he plants in our hearts. As Jesus speaks to the people, he explains that as he plants his seed; (speaks the word of God) it resinates with people in different ways and on different levels.

(Verses 3-4)

Some seeds fall along a path, and therefore were eaten by the birds. In my interpretation, Jesus speaks the word and you hear it, however you become easily distracted and quickly lose sight of what has been commanded, what has been said diminishes and has no lasting meaning within you. The seed is gone and will not grow. In this sinful world, satan works to take away the meaning and pry out any seed of God, he works to take away God's message and leave people feeling lost and alone.

(Verses 5-6)

Some seeds fall on rocky places, where it had shallow places to grow. It began to grow, and very fast, but once faced with challenge or discomfort, you burned up and resorted away from him. The roots are shallow and lack a deeper meaning.

For example, you feel inspired and clean when you give God his rightly attention, and in that moment you are growing and trusting in him, however when you leave that place you easily forget what has been spoken to you. Therefore, the faith has burned up. It has only reached the ears, and has yet to attach to the heart.

(Verse 7)

Other seeds land within the thorns. These thorns represent people and things controlled by the evil that exists in the world. Those whom fall into the tricks and traps of idols, lust, riches and false gods are the thorns we need to look out for, and the only way you can spot them is with the help of God. These thorns of the world choke out truth, and replace it with temporary diamonds. The thorns of the world try and tear us down with distractions and tempting acts that go against God's commands.

While the word of God settles differently in everyone, some fall among good soil. Growing to be prosperous within their faith, bearing much fruit. These roots are deep and stand fast in their faith. The coolest thing about creating these deep roots, is that they only grow deeper and deeper. There is no end point, or final growth. It is a life long process of studying, praying and living with God. His plan is your plan.

These roots will grow in all kinds of directions, no one else bears your fruit, and no one else has your relationship with God.

you are his disciple.

you are important.

you are loved.

you are cherished.

It is the most pure and amazing asset you can endure for yourself in this life. All in preparation for the next, where we get to live with the almighty.

I thank my God that I am able to share my thoughts with all of you.

I am so excited to grow in my faith, and help you in yours, with you, every week.

Bless your beautiful heart,

till next time ~

~Autumn ~

CONTACT ME @ Instagram - Autumn_Olson7

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