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My updated life & workout routine

Hello my loves, its been a while! I have been focusing on school and making some changes to my life.

It is officially my second semester in college and I am thriving. I feel so grateful, and overall just living the happiest version of myself.

The past couple months have really hit me hard. If you didn't already know, I am a christian and love my faith. I have been pushing off the raw WORD of God for quite some time now, living my daily life, giving thanks, praying, etc. I always thought I wouldn't understand the bible for the words on the page, however some things have been introduced to me recently that have completely changed my perspective on how I should approach my faith.

First of all, I am now apart of the Young Life community, where we work with adolescents to help them grow in their faith. I attended their annual conference a couple weekends ago and I couldn't have been more excited that I got to be apart of it. It was truly eye opening, God put this in my life for a reason. And that reason is to refocus my priorities and put him first. This is my new challenge, and I am more than willing to take it.

I have tried to understand the word of God for myself, but never could wrap my head around it until now. I have grown so much already, and have found the motivation to open my bible and read it and study it for myself. Because in truth, that is where all our answers lie.

(STAY TUNED FOR MY NEXT POST! I am doing something super special and I CAN'T wait!!)

The second order of business, is that I am running longer and longer miles. My official training for the half marathon has not started yet, but I am loving the challenge of running longer miles! The feeling is unreal, and it makes me so happy to see myself improving and changing into a long distance runner. I take after my dad, who has run marathons and cross country skied all his life. Growing up I got to cheer him on, make him signs and watch him cross the finish line year after year. I am so thankful I have a role model as motivated and passionate as he is. So, with that, my fitness regime has been 80% running and the other 20% abs and other resistance training.

My goal for the next couple weeks is to increase my resistance training while running. I have noticed I lost some strength in my ability to lift, and gained cardiovascular endurance where my muscles conserve the energy as much as possible.

Third lil update, is my diet!! Every morning for breakfast (aka my favorite part of the day) I have my big bowl of oats #hearteyes. It is loaded with collagen, powdered bone broth (choc flavor), antioxidants, super-foods, omega 3s, anti-inflamatories, and much more. It fills me with goodness and energy to conquer the day!

For lunch, I have really just been snaking. Being a freshman who doesn't eat in the cafeteria, and also who doesn't have a kitchen, I am limited. So I eat around 12-1pm and have Purely Elizabeth granola ( I love alllllll the flavors), carrots and hummus, maybe some larabar bites. However it all depends on the day and what I have!!

Dinner is either more snacking, or I have been getting into the habit of cooking in my crock pot and preparing dinner for that night and the next.

I will then have my nightly snack of grapes or an orange. I have stopped my late late night snacking because I wake up inflamed, so I stop eating at about 9:00 most nights.

*I can go into more detail if that is something your'e interested in, let me know!!

Thank you for reading, stay tuned for my big update within the next few days!

With all the love,

Autumn ~

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