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Create your own happiness

How are you today?

Euphoric? Feeling intense excitement and happiness

Happy? Feeling or showing contentment

OK? Satisfactory but not especially good

Sad? Feeling sorrowful, unhappy

Mad? Strong feeling of annoyance, full of anger

Look at these five states of mind. Which one explains your state this past day, week or month? Be honest with yourself. Are you truly feeling HAPPY within all aspects of your life?

Why do you think you fit in one of these categories?

What is the cause of feeling this emotion?

Whatever it may be, are you wanting to change it?

This post is dedicated towards those who feel OK, Sad or Mad most of their days. If you are wanting to change that, keep reading.

I use to be a person who looked at things through a more negative lens. I hated school and learning, annoyed by people who walk slow, hated when things didn't go my way and when others didn't agree with me. But today, I actively live with optimism, positivity and joy. Why should I let those minor incidences determine my mood for the rest of the day?

Everyone has days that don't exactly go the way you would like, but its okay because it's LIFE, and life goes on :)

Take the following tips and try implementing them into your life, see how it changes things!


The most important thing I have learned is to control your reaction to life's occurrences, and therefore you will have control over your mood and situation. Look at situation's through a bigger lens. This moment in time dictates wether you will remain positive or negative head space.

You do not have control over others or your life events, you can only control how you react to others and everyday challenges.

Only then, can you truly control a situation.

Allow the negative or annoyed energy to move through you, take a breath and realize you DO NOT have control over your life. You can't control others or life events, you can only choose how to REACT, which in turn changes how others respond. Only then can you control a situation.

You're life in in the hands of your creator, your God. Trust in him and his plan.

TIP TWO: Control of your Energy flow

In yoga, we focus on points where your Chakras lie. You have 7, each at different center points through the body.

These are the places in which energy flows, and if blocked cause illness or tension. Your mind is what allows these centers to become tense or blocked. It can be unconscious where you may be holding a grudge against someone, dealing with family issues or not accepting yourself or where you are in life.

I will focus on three that ultimately lead to a happier life and wellbeing.

1. The Crown Chakra, this is your place of spirituality located at the tip of the head.

Being connected to something bigger than yourself is something that grounds you and reduces your anxiety in tough life situations. You are never truly alone, that something is watching over you and protecting you. For me, that is my Lord and savior Jesus christ. My God centers me and allows me to put my life in his hands, instead of mine. I know he has angels that watch over me as well, I am protected by their light and love.

Places of connection are: Pineal gland, brain and nervous system.

2. The Third Eye Chakra, the place of wisdom and direction in life.

Seeing life as a bigger picture and living with a sense of purpose. You see beyond the naked eye, only it is a feeling of knowing, not actually seeing the energies flow.

See life as a gift, and realize the small things are bigger than they seem.

See insects, sunsets and sunrises, wind and light as something that fuels your soul. We share one thing, this earth. We are all apart of it, serving different purposes. One cannot survive without another.

We need light in the darkness, and in light we also need darkness. Life is all about the Yin and Yang.


This Chakra connects to your Pituitary gland, eyes and sinuses.

3. The Heart Chakra, a place of love, self acceptance and prosperity.

You can literally feel the energy move through your heart. Wether your in love, excited or just euphoric. It is like butterflies in your heart.

A happy heart is what makes a person attractive, they are one with love, allowing the negative energies to seep through the heart and exit though another. Moving on from things that momentarily set you back.

This Chakra associates with the heart, thymus, lower lungs, circulatory system and immune system.

Illness can result from excess blockage in the heart, the center point of your energy flow.

TIP THREE: Live for life

Too often do us humans get caught up in the everyday flow of life and routines. Waking up to the same job, same workout routine, and same area of living.

Throwing it back to he #YOLO days, you only live once. How are you planning on spending it?

Each year, month, day and minute counts towards the next. Living for life ultimately means to life for what life has to offer.

Live for the adrenaline, love, adventure, and creativity.

Live for love. The love of others, from others and to others.

Life is magical, treat it as so. Take the negatives lightly and treat as a lesson life has to teach you, it all makes you wiser #yoda.

Live or the breath of life that you find through adventure.

Live where you see all the rosy cheeks, bright smiles, and squinting eyes filled with life and love. Eyes that see life as a gift and a chance to make a difference.

TIP FOUR: Morning routine

Starting your day on the right side of bed has helped me become one ray of sunshine (majority of the time ;))

Waking up at a good, early time (6, 7 or 8) allows you to fit in many activities making you more productive.

Wether you go to the gym right away, journal or make a nutritious brekkie all depends on your personal lifestyle and preference. Force yourself to be in a good mood no matter what happened yesterday or the day before, because today is a new one and not everyone gets to say that.

Personally, I take my morning's slow. I wake up, take my shot of ACV, brush my teeth etc. and grab my water. I wait about 30 min to an hour before I eat my breakfast (depending on the day and what is scheduled). I like to watch youtube videos that further my education in nutrition, or whatever my favs are vlogging about!

Do what gets you going and puts you in the right head space.

Utilize your morning, and be thankful that you get to experience it.

Thank you for reading, I hope this inspires you to be a happier person, because we need more of them :)

Remember to spread the love and react with happiness, ultimately creating happiness within those around you.

So much love,


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