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My Modeling Journey

Welcome back to my table, the title explains what this post will cover, however I will also provide insight into the world of modeling that I know of. Enjoy :)

Personal Experience ~

As a young girl I would always pose for photos, and therefore always wanted to be in every picture. My aunt had always told me I would be a model because of how I was and my attention for the camera. I thought she was crazy to think I could ever become something every girls dreams about. I loved food, and therefore was not going to give up all that mac n cheese I ate for spinach leaves.

At the age of 13 my mom had brought up an opportunity to attend an open call downtown Des Moines for a local agency, Runway Model and Talent. At this time, I was very more self-confident and timid towards others, yet still I went and met with them. They took digitals (pictures of you) and had me fill out a paper about myself, along with contact information. We left and I was so excited for this new opportunity, it was something different that I never thought would happen. A week later I was contacted by the agency and was later signed! I remember practicing with my mom at home, taking pictures to send to the agency for updates on my look, and trust me, it was a long, frustrating process. Smiling in a picture is one thing, but smeyesing (smiling with your eyes) is another. Your hand placement, continuous movement, angles, emotions all need to be shown at once. The most difficult thing to master was "the serious face." Me trying to do that without looking angry was near impossible for the longest time! With this agency I did a lot of practicing and "test" shoots. I walked in my first runway show as well, I remember how nerve racking it was. Vulnerability is key, and that was hard for me to accept. However these things made me the person I am today.

At the age of 15, still with the same agency, I shot another test shoot for an updated look. These were for my first comp card, which is what you give agencies/ agents when they are considering your look for jobs or contracts. It's basically a summary of you, your physique and physical features. I shot a couple looks and had so much fun once I was on set. I blossomed and found a new sense of confidence within myself.

After this shoot I auditioned for a hair show and was chosen on the spot. My hair was colored for the very first time, and it wasn't a big change but was defiantly different that what I was use to. This was also my very first paid event! Things were looking up and I was so excited.

This event was the last thing I did before I switched agencies. I was clearly not going anywhere with the one I was with and decided to change and apply for other agencies. I applied to be apart of the Peak agency, and got a call back, had a meeting, and have been signed for about 3.5 years! It is a local agency, and started to do more work with photographers and businesses.

I walked in another show called the "bubble ball." It is a huge charity event that raises money for sick children at a local hospital. The theme is different each year, and for the year I participated I was baby spice from the spice girls.

I took work into my own hands and reached out and started working with local photographers, getting more experience and building up my portfolio. I did this for quite a while and really enjoyed it! As time continued, some more opportunities opened up to me.

I had the opportunity to attend a casting for the Des Moines fashion show. I went, and got an email back saying I made it to the second casting event! I have always loved the runway, and this made me love it even more. It was not a large runway by any means, but it still gave me butterflies, leaving me craving more of it. I was placed in all three shows and walked for a number of designers.

I learned a lot from this experience and had a lot of fun being apart of it.

After the show, I continued to work with more photographers, expanding myself and learning different aspects about photography, angles and poses. I still continue this to this day, just have taken a step back since being in college. The last thing I did was a commercial for Mediacom, which was a very different experience than what I was use to, but loved it!


As of right now, I have figured out the flow of college and how it works (for the most part). I now have ambitions to go to Chicago and attend open calls and potentially sign with an agency. Chicago is a central point in America for modeling, it is a great place to get started and move out to different cities.

I dream to be more involved in runway and continue to shoot with photographers. Working towards magazines and commercials as well. I believe everything happens for a reason, and I absolutely love photography and being in front of the camera, and I don't think my time is over yet. If things fall through and don't go as I dreamt, that is okay :)

Inside the modeling world ~

Modeling, a world in which every girl desires to be apart of. One they believe to be perfect. One of the most deceiving yet gratifying worlds to be apart of.

I will say, the world has labeled the modeling industry as a number of things. They believe the life must be easy going and fun, one of a dream. But then say how models don't eat anything to look the way they do. Well, I can first handedly tell you that is not the case. As a matter of fact, many models eat poorly and exercise to the minimum, however, there are also many who work hard for their physique, one that is mandated to keep up with, therefore eating well and knowing their health is important. There is also another side of the industry, one that is looked past by the world. When you see these tiny girls, wether its on the runway, magazine or social media, many have or are suffering from eating disorders. I too suffered from an ED, however it wasn't derived from being a model. It was more so the constant comparison of myself to other girls on social media (if you want to know more, I have an entire blog post devoted to this topic-"My health journey") Many industries are cut throat on your physical appearance and critique any flaw you may have. There are also agencies that work with you to be your best self and look for personality, because that is what ultimately shines through in a picture. I am no big time model, but I have had my share of camera and runway experience. There is a certain "high" that comes with shoots and runway experience. Personally I feel more driven and professional, motivated to get things done, organize and plan. The only downfall is that I it is easy to consume yourself with what you look like at all times.

Every model has a different experience, wether it is damaging, or a dream come true that they can maintain healthfully, it all depends on what agency you are signed with, your ability to take criticism and buoyancy.

Thank you for reading, I hope you took away a new perspective on the industry as a whole and enjoyed reading my experience!

With love, Autumn

As always, contact me with questions!

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