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College Routine

Good morning beautiful souls of the world.

Within this post I will talk about how to start your day off right, and make everyday filled with enlightenment and growth. I will also provide my insight on how to end your day even better!!

Hello world...

The world says hello.

Lets make the day, and everyday going forward absolute and filled with energy.

This is time for your expansion and flowering.

Most days, I rise with the sun at 7:00am. Waking up with the sun is truly amazing, the sky still warm, bearing the unknown. You witness what most are sleeping through. At this time reminding myself that everyday is a gift.

First starting off within the right mindset. One that is clear and intentional.

I roll out of bed and turn off my alarm, make sure to set an alarm that makes you happy and WANT to get out of bed! For me that is Breathe by T-swift.

I wash my face with cold water to wake up my cells and ready myself. Next, wash my hands and put up my hair.

Here comes something essential to your morning, Apple cider vinegar. I grab my apple cider and slowly take the shot.

WARNING: Dilute with water, otherwise will burn your throat.

Why take this bitter and sour shot? Apple cider vinegar alkalizes the body, increases metabolism, restores energy & aids in weight loss. I have personally noticed huge changes in my body by adding this to my routine.

I then take my two multi vitamins (Olly Woman's Multi Vitamin's), and grab my water and computer.

I let my stomach digest those two before I eat while my stomach is empty, aiding with water because it is easier absorbed into the body. I grab my journal and write down any thoughts or ideas and pray for about 15 minutes. I allow energy to flow through me and release any tensions or troubled thoughts. Opening my heart and mind to a new day and its opportunity.

I grab my granola bowl, homemade granola, unsweetened almond/cashew milk, and some tumeric to sprinkle on top, stir it all together and sit up in my bed. I grab my computer & go to Youtube and find which video I will watch first (see if any of my favs have any new videos). I watch videos that inspire and educate me further in nutrition, meal ideas & holistic health. Some days I will just watch travel videos, this brings me so much joy and motivation towards life. This takes up the rest of my morning until I have class at 9:00am. I don't spend much time actually getting ready, most days are yogas and a sweatshirt :) I also wear no makeup, being comfortable and confident in your own skin, embracing your natural, beautiful self.

This is how I start my wonderful, wondrous days of life.

It is now time to say goodnight to this astonishing world..

Thank the earth and God for another remarkable day.

This infinite world is ready to rest up for another luminous morn

As I ready to do the same, I take time to draw and create. Letting my energy flow onto the empty canvas.

I may have late night snacks as well, either a bowl of grapes and strawberries or sweet baby peppers and hummus.

These foods refresh me and fill me with nutrients.

I will often times read as well, easing my mind into another state. One free from distraction and technology. Immersed in another dimension where I am still growing.

Sleep is essential to health, it is the time for your mind to process all of your daily occurrences and nothing more. It should be a time of peace and blossoming. Waking up feeling rejuvenated and lucent.

If you have trouble sleeping, I would recommend taking Melatonin. I take this when I've had troubles past nights. It is a drug free sleep aid, promotes rest and relaxation & tastes of strawberry! Personally, I take the dissolvable tablets because I find they work faster and taste good :)

Just don't take them every night!

Thank you for joining my table, I would love to answer any questions you have, if so, shoot me an email or DM!

SOCIAL: Insta - Autumn_Olson7 & AutumnsTable_7

Email -

With love, Autumn

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