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Heaven on earth

Hello and welcome back to my table. It has been a while since I last posted.

This post is over my favorite place on earth - The Boundary Waters

One of the mornings this summer I had experienced one of the most moving moments within my life.

I am here to share that with you... Please keep reading.

It was a morning unlike any other, up in northern Minnesota. An area called The Boundary waters is where my heart resides. A place shown to me by my parents, and since have returned for 17 years. Here you are out in the wilderness with you, your companions & everything you need to rent route, following an old, wrinkled map. Reaching a different lake each day by canoe and foot. We have established a long history there making lifelong memories each year. The Boundary Waters has a special meaning to me and my family for numerous reasons. It brings us solitude peace & renewal. Free from worldly distractions, engaged and consumed within nature and your spiritual well being.

This is what I call home.

Last summer, our last morning on trail, an experience that will last a lifetime came to be. The last site on Seagull lake, a little, hidden island is where we were camped, preparing for the saddest day of the week because it was our last. Having to return to the reality of life and leave my favorite place on earth.

4:00am the watch beeps, telling us it's time to get up. In the middle of the wilderness I lay encased in my sleeping bag, still, damp & weary. Laying next to my shivering beagle. Dreading the myriad of mosquitoes that await us just outside the tent. Expecting the most unfavorable paddle back to camp. Bugs encapsulating absolutely everything. You could take a cup, run it through the air & it would be filled with mosquitoes. Due dripping down the tents, and overlaying everything in sight, making the duluth packs much heavier than they already were. The air so brisk you could see your breath. This was one of the most undesirable mornings I have ever experienced out on trail, and that is saying something. 5:00am putting the canoes in the water, the water being colder than the air just added to this uneventful morning. Feet soaking wet as we push off the rocks, and away from the swarming mosquitoes, trekking back to camp. As the sky begins to wake, we paddle out of the narrow cove. Later that morning, as the sun was rising, something greater than we expected awaited us.

Paddling around another island, peeks the most golden sun, shining through the towering, emerald pines. Paddling onto the open water, a delicate layer of fog overlays the still, denim water. The morning still somber, blossoming into a sunrise unlike any other. A canvas of colors dawning, glistening across the lake. As the morning illuminates with pastel colors of pink & yellow and blue. Chills ran down my spine and my heart became warm, I no longer felt the cold. My eyes locked on the radiant white light shining directly front of us, outlined in an orange hue. My jaw dropping & mind forgetting to paddle. It was as if we were paddling into this ball of fire, as if I could touch it. It felt like I was no longer on this earth, and seemed to be in a dream world. Hearing nothing but the stroke of the paddle pushing the undisturbed water. The only thing in sight being the sun and God's love pouring out onto the earth. Feeling so small compared to what surrounded us. This was heaven on earth, or at least the closest thing I relate it to be. Paddling closer and closer, the sun continued to rise, very slowly. It felt as if this morning was timeless, never ending. As we reach the islands where the camp is, we arrive in silence, admiration, and with appreciation.

This morning started off as one of the most dreadful I had ever experienced, and ended being one of the most beautiful and impacting moments within my life. It reminded me of the little things, and how those are the moments you can’t take away and will last forever. Remembering it's okay to be silent, to listen & to reflect. Realizing to expect the unexpected. Knowing things don't end up the way they start.

I was again reminded that God holds life's most treasurable moments and that within those moments, beauty is redefined.

Now, I have experienced many sunrises within my life, much like you probably have. However this one left a lasting mark on my heart and soul, something I will never forget. That morning gave me a sense of peace and solitude. It is this memory and feeling I will carry with me through the rest of my life.

I encourage you to find this moment/moments like these, find it by taking chances and opening your heart and mind to the unknown of life, for those are the most beautiful.

Thank you so much for reading, I hope your suck around.

May God bless you and keep you forever in his heart...


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Autumn Olson

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