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The Palette of life

Hello, welcome back to my table. Today I am in hope to inspire you & share the beauty of life I have experienced & how you can experience it as well. How to look at things in a different, positive & optimistic way.

I encourage you to read this lengthy post & come back to it when you're in need of finding a place of grounding. I also encourage you to read even if you aren't religious, and to take away something from it.

Thank you & enjoy

xoxo Autumn


One of the most attractive qualities in life. Happiness is what grants you overall joy and prosperity in life. When filled with true & absolute happiness, you radiate a light from within your heart to others.

This light opens the heart of others & affects them in such a powerful way, moving spirits and creating everlasting gladness.

Smiling is such a beautiful thing. When you genuinely smile at someone, it can instantly make someones entire day - giving them the happiness to spread.

You are your happiest self when you surround yourself with things you sincerely love, so live a life filled with your own happiness.

Your passions drive you, find those passions and pursue them in its entirety.

You only have one life, live one FILLED with happiness :)


The strongest force in the world, derived directly from Gods perfect heart & poured out by his grace.

Love is what brings people together, ultimately creating happiness in our sinful world.

Love is that feeling of butterflies, smiles & laughter.

Those who don't believe in love are only afraid of it. It is so powerful that it can breach the most gentle of hearts, yet can also fill up the most damaged, feeling enriched in passion & love. Cloudless & in full sight of accomplishment and steadfastness.

Family is above all. The only people in the world that you are compelled to love unconditionally.

Love people, not things.


Taking an everlasting walk through what God has so delicately created.

On this walk,

you hear the wind ripple through the trees, yet feel nothing but stillness...

you breathe the youthful, untouched breath of God that surpasses through your body, endowing you with the breathe of life...

you feel the aura mother nature gives to this fascinating & imperfect world...

you touch the flowers that fill your soul with prosperity and peace of mind...

you walk the unbeaten path that leads you to simplicity and light...

These remarkable things you find in nature ground you, renew you & remind you of the true meaning of life.


Too often we get caught up in a routined life & forget what life was given to us for. Adventure is beautiful for these reasons. You can venture anywhere... wether its local to you, or you road trip.

It gives you that "high on life" feeling. Allowing your mind to fully encapsulate what it is you are seeing & feeling.

Adventures can be big or small. Just going to a local park, lake or trail gives you the opportunity to see more than what meets the eye. Go off the standardized path everyone sees & make your own, finding your own spot no one else knows of.


Taking adventuring to the next level.

Like adventuring, you feel "high on life" Literally.

Experiencing different cultures, lifestyles & rituals allows you to acquire a new perspective on life.

It gives you motivation, and the feeling of pure serenity.

With experiences comes gratitude, from watching the sunset kiss the water, sailing across the ocean, to dancing to cultured music on the beach.

Breaking away from the typical vacation to a resort renewed my meaning of travel.

Traveling is all about, the people you meet, knowledge you take back, seeing sights never seen before, cherishing every moment & living a life full of new experiences that you can then implement into your everyday life.

Taking advantage of new opportunities

Experience what God has put here for us to see


This is something I have personally had to face many, many times. Just like many of us do. Everyday you are faced with a new challenge, wether you know it or not.

God puts these challenges in our life to make us stronger, find something inside yourself you never knew was there.

In that moment of unknown, you make a decision to persevere through, or give up. The feeling after you attack a challenge is beyond rewarding.

Challenges ultimately make you stronger. Wether its mindfully, soulfully, or physically.

Many times when you think these challenges come at the worst time, they come for a very important reason.

One of the quotes I live by is,

"Everything happens for a reason"

Many times things happen that you wish didn't, however its there to teach you something. There is a lesson in everything. From new beginnings, to tragic endings.

Take something away


This world is filled & consumed with "stuff". Is what you own is most important to you? But ask yourself this.

What is with you from birth until death?

God is.

I find this simplicity up north...

Where the water is pure,

soul is brimming with gratitude,

mind is at ultimate peace, & the world is still.

This could be anywhere where you feel most in tune with yourself and your surroundings.

Simplicity opens your mind, getting creative. Opens your heart, loving and cherishing all surrounding you. Opens your ears, listening to others & the sounds of nature.


Why is it that people pray in desperate moments?

Pray to someone whom they have never met?

Because you know you are in the hands of a greater power. You are Gods child, no matter how old. The feeling of being lost and hopeless is most often when faith kicks in and you have nothing else left but to pray, pray to the one who loves you so much he died on the cross for you.

However it is hard to be faithful when all you do try & control things around you.

Control is a subconscious feeling of contentment. The power to influence the course of events in your life. People believe they control their lives & even the people around them.

God has a plan for every single soul on this earth. The ONLY thing you have "control" over is what you do in a moment of testing.

The verdict is... giving your heart to God, putting your life in his hands & surrendering the control you possess over yourself & others will free you. Free you of yourself & allow you to live as you were so put on this earth to.

Living a life with God is not an easy one... He places things in your life that challenge you & force you to make a decision, either for better or worse.

But I promise you, a life with God is most fruitful & gratifying.


Health is such a broad term... I know.

Being in a state of optimal health ties in all aspects of your life. Your mind, body & soul.

Your MIND needs to be in a state of peace & prosperity. Strong, youthful & lively. Achieve this by surrounding yourself with positive people & things. Journal thoughts, give thanks & listen to music authentic to you.

Your BODY is a direct reflection of what you put in it & how you treat it. Your diet should be filled with vivid, natural & nutrient dense foods. Things that naturally come from the earth are fundamental to your bodies health.

Respect your body. Love your body. Your body is your temple.

Your body is a sacred thing, you only have one.

Your SOUL is your heart, your heart is happy and healthy when you are filled & surrounded with love. DO things to fill your heart with excitement and prosperity. Travel, journal, read, exercise, give thanks.

Thank you so much for reading this post. It truly means a lot to me.

I hope you took away something that you can implement into your everyday life.

If you want to see a full post over any of these topics, please let me know!!


Instagram: @autumn_olson7

Health & fitness : @autumnstable

Youtube : Autumn Olson

With love, Autumn

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