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Simple & Satisfying Desserts

Sweet treats are a favorite of many, especially me!

Many people find themselves binging on these tasty treats, personally my weakness hits with chocolate and peanut butter. The key is to find HEALTHY alternatives that both satisfy those cravings and nourish your body, aka killing two birds with one stone ;)

Heres a personal favorite that sounds good at any point in the day... especially as a late night snack :)

Ice cream is a favorite of many, and you have probably heard of "Nice Cream" before. Because I love chocolate and peanut butter, thats the flavor I aim for every time. However if your palate prefers more of a fruity flavor, your best bet would be an acai bowl filled with a variety of fruits!

Nice cream is perfect because it contains numerous superfoods and is packed full with nutrients & antioxidants!


~ 2 Bananas - Boost energy, Filled with potassium, Aid digestion, Packed with Vitamins & minerals!

~ 1 Heaped TBSP of Cacao - The rawest form of chocolate & PACKED with antioxidants. Also a superfood!

~ Splash of Vanilla Extract

~ Serving of Protein powder (Optional)

~ Cinnamon to taste - Anti-inflammatory, Protects heart, & Fights infections

~ 2 cups of Plant - Based milk (Adjust to how thick desired)

~ 2 TBSP of PB2 - Low calorie option for peanut butter, I absolutely love the taste!

Toppings are optional, however I highly encourage the Chia Seeds! They give a great texture and make it fun to eat :)

Otherwise its just more PB2 mixed with water & more nanas!!

Onto my absolute favorite snack/ dessert... Granola. Not just any kind, but the homemade kind, the best kind.

My granola is near and dear to my heart, and because it is I have a heaped bowl of it every night around 8 (or at a convenient time) I throw some cashew milk in and you've got heaven in a bowl!!! Because this it is my FAVORITE, I will dedicate a post to my secret recipe ;-) So keep on the look out!

Granola is an awesome go-to because it has those good carbs, superfoods & protein. Be picky about which ones you buy because many are just filled with sugar and ingredients that shouldn't be used to be considered "healthy".

My next tip would be to find a protein bar that YOU think tastes like a dessert. However before you go pick out a Chewy bar from Quaker, you need to first look at the ingredients, If you don't know what the ingredients say or what they are, their is a high probability it is highly processed, and contains artificial sugars and chemicals. Also, the shorter & simpler the ingredients, the better. One of my personal favorites are Larabar's, yes they are high in sugar, but its NATURAL sugar that comes from the dates. This bar is simple and uses whole, natural ingredients.

I dont recommend resorting to protein bars everyday or anytime you crave a specific flavor because it is still processed and made in a factory. However when you're in a hurry or running short on time, this is a great go-to!

*Also ladies, check out Luna bars!

Lastly, fruit!

Natures sweet gifts to fill our bellies. This might be an obvious choice, however many people forget about them and resort to exactly what they are craving, instead of thinking of a healthy & better alternative! Apples are a personal favorite!! If the raw form of the fruits aren't your favorite, resort to those spices ;)

Heres some ideas to try together!

  • Apples - Cinnamon or nutmeg, Peanut butter, Agave

  • Carrots - Hummus

  • *Look for different colored carrots (Purple or white), they don't always have to be orange! The carrot is picked at a different time & contain different nutritional values!

  • Banana - Peanut butter, Cinnamon, Honey/Agave, Dark chocolate

  • Frozen grapes / Regular grapes

  • Oranges - Squeeze & make fresh orange juice! (Crushes that sweet tooth)

  • Add avocado to meals to satisfy the fat cravings (or even use in desserts)


XOXO Autumn :)

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